A warm welcome in Eindhoven
At the 3rd of July 2009 the 5th c,mm,n-garage was being held, this time at the campus of TU Eindhoven. Over 30 people gathered together to listen to the presentations and ideas on c,mm,n and to discuss their own ideas.
Also any one who was interested could drive an electric car. The presentations and several photo's can be found at the webplatform (a free login is required).
The next garage is planned in May 2010, this time at Hogeschool Rotterdam. It will be co-hosted by the University of Twente.

- 10:00 Sijas Akkerman: opening, short review of the Amsterdam Automotive Show
- 10:15 Sander Veenstra: experiences with the driving simulator
- 10:30 David Peck: Vehicle Telematics - the future for Automotive design
- 11:00 Coffee break
- 11:15 Elmer van Grondelle: c,mm,n brand identity
- 11:30 Tessa Quax/Stefan Lefeber: usability of the online collaboration platform
- 11:50 Introduction of the students of Rotterdam University and TU Eindhoven (6x5 min.)
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 Erwin Meinders/Igo Besselink: to a driving prototype
- 13:50 Parallel sessions as: technical discussions, working with the webplatform, etc.
- 15.45 Plenary debriefing
- 16:00 Closing reception
Looking back on earlier garages
3rd c,mm,n-garage - November 7th 2008 - University of Twente
4th c,mm,n-garage - January 30th 2009 - TU Delft