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Thursday 19 May 2011 A Light weight electric Lupo

With rising fuel prices and increasing concern regarding the emissions of CO2 and particles, the electric vehicle appears to be a suitable alternative for the internal combustion car for many applications. Recent progress in...

Thursday 10 March 2011 Presentatie driving prototype drivetrain

Over the past few years you will have become familiar with developments in the area of electric transport through various channels. But how sustainable is electrically-powered driving really? What is the distance that a car can...

Thursday 10 February 2011 New c,mm,n Garage

As spring is coming and spirits are getting high again, it is time to organise an fresh c,mm,n garage. This time we will have a slightly different formula: we will ask some other initiatives to come and present their stories and...

Sunday 02 January 2011 Plans for 2011

c,mm,n will transfer to another community platform in 2011: This website will start in Dutch, but move as quickly as possible to english. On this platform everyone is able to create an account to easily...

Tuesday 15 June 2010 6th Garage: c,mm,n developing strongly

RDM Campus perfect setting for new c,mm,n developments

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