AutoRAI 1 t/m 11 apr. '09AutoRAI 1-11 April '09

c,mm,n 2.0 at the AutoRAI 2009

Experience the mobility of tomorrow

The Amsterdam Motor Show was held from 1 till 11 April 2009 in Amsterdam and it's motto was 'a brand new experience'. This edition was special because of the clustering of the cars in worlds instead of brand: luxury & sportcars, family & travel, cabrio, green innovation's, city & compact and adventure. It means more overview on the developments in a specific segment.

In the c,mm,n-pavilion ‘Car in the Future' you could experience sustainable mobility in the world of  2020, and feel and see the possibilities. The central questions were: what kind of information is available for the mobilist of 2020, what are the traveling options and what are his choices concerning the way of traveling. And last but not least: what's the difference between traveling in 2009 and 2020, and why.

What could be done in the c,mm,n-pavilion:

  • Experience the mobility of the future: each half hour a 3D-animation starts about the history and the future of c,mm,n.
  • Build your own (digital) c,mm,n on special touch-screens.
  • See and touch the different mock ups of c,mm,n 2.0.
  • Step in the driving simulator and experience how it's like to drive a c,mm,n from A to B.
  • Play around with the 'digiquette' of Amsterdam and see what the effects are of the different types of transport, including c,mm,n.

what is c,mm,n and how do you get involved

Sijas Akkerman is being interviewed by AutoWeek (in Dutch)

opening of the c,mm,n-paviljoen

(in Dutch)